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Sinochem Pharmaceutical Held the Workshop for Drug Strategy Planning and Interim Wrap-up Meeting 2019

A Workshop for Drug Strategy Planning and Interim Wrap-up Meeting 2019 was held at Nanjing during July 19~20, 2019. About 50 participants, including leaders, middle-level cadres and some young key employees of the Company, were present at the workshop and meeting.

On the afternoon of July 19, the Workshop was carried out in the form of debate between Red Force vs Blue Force. The former is consisted of drug salesmen, while the latter is consisted of medical device salesmen and functional staff. After the Red Force and Blue Force presented their planning reports respectively, all sit down in a circle to have free discussions that focused on the selection of strategic path, follow-up strategic measures, resources support and other aspects. As the points of view were getting across to both sides, their thoughts were manifested and their understandings on the drug strategy planning were enhanced.

On the morning of July 20, Mr. Huang Yonghong, Chief Financial Officer of Sinochem Pharmaceutical, made first the performance report for the first half of the year. He pointed out that during the first half of 2019, the Company focused on the drug development, seized the business opportunities and pushed forward the implementation of important strategies. Despite the ongoing trade downturn, the Company’s major financial indicators were reached and exceeded the budget substantially. Specifically, compared with the same period of last year, the total profit rose by 49% and achieved 152% of the budget progress; EBITDA increased by 54% and achieved 154% of the budget progress; ROE grew by 5.6%, 8.62 percentage points higher than the budget.

What followed was the introduction of benchmarking management approached, made by Mr. Bian Jiefei, Deputy General Manager in charge of the General Management Department. He made an overview of the characteristics, work flow and common tools for benchmarking management. CFO Huang Yonghong continued to demonstrate the benchmarking management by taking the development history of Huahai Pharmaceutical as the case for analysis.

The meeting was ended with a lecture delivered by Dong Jianhua, Party Committee Secretary of the Company. The lecture was on the theme of “keep reminding ourselves of our commitment to our original aspiration and have our mission always in mind”. Beginning with this theme, the Secretary refined the contents and extended to the mission of large-scale state-owned enterprises and duties of Sinochem, as well as the breakdown of these duties for first-line operating units. Dong pointed out that the workshop held in the previous day has made clear two paths for development of two sub-strategies on “raw drug materials” and “preparations”, and also the next-stage tasks for improving the management of medical device business. Next step, the Company will continue to strengthen the ability of market forecast and judgment, take the initiative to interact with brother units of chemistry division, and follow the direction of integrated “research – production - marketing” for further development. Every employee has to find out the direction for his/her career development, and bind personal vocational planning closely with the Company’s strategy, making concerted efforts to realize the long-term strategic goals of Sinochem amid an atmosphere full of positive energy.